Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Quick update

Considering I don’t have a lot of time these days, you’ll have to do with only a short update. Please accept my sincere apologies!

In the past week I’ve been:
- working my a*s off for school as my English professor thinks it necessary to make me write essays (only about 10 pages…) each week;
- working my a*s off for my Master Thesis as me and my big mouth promised to already hand in a interim plan of work on Sunday and I thus had to spend the entire weekend in bookshops, libraries and the internet cafe;
- happy, seeing my proposal regarding the equivalents was approved;
- spending time with a few Russians: going to the cinema – next week real Russian theatre –, wandering around, having a drink and practicing my (their, actually) Russian;
- visiting a few markets
- cold – next week minus 5 and snow;
- over the moon as Danny has found a job!!!! Congratulations again krullebol! ;
- jealous of Yves because his family (parents, sister, girlfriend) arrived on Saturday and will stay here for an entire week;
- getting enraged at the whole money-situation as all of the sudden they’ve decided that 4 students will come to Belgium in the second semester. Our professor told us Moscow University insisting on that and Moscow University told us our professor did. Once more, it gets one to thinking… However, they told us they are not sure they’ll find students and we’ll thus have to wait for another few weeks. Considering I don’t have a few more weeks as I need to decide whether or not I’ll terminate the tenancy for my student’s room in Antwerp, I am getting extremely annoyed and fed up with the whole situation;
- cursing at the Russian workers – when I came back from class and good-tempered entered my room all was covered in white dust and dirt. Apparently they had been installing new smoke detectors and did not find it necessary to cover anything while drilling wholes into the ceiling. They were even too lazy to clean up their mess, so I grabbed a pile of wires and pipes and threw it out into the hallway. Everything was covered in dust: the entire floor, my bed, closets, table, seats, towels, books, food, cutlery, plates, glasses, mugs, cooking utensils, my notebook (which was btw open), my clothes that were hanging over the chair, my laundry that was drying on the thread, … Yep, I spent almost two hours cleaning everything from top to bottom, then had to do the laundry once more and then I went to do the exact same thing at Cedric’s room as Yves and his family were arriving within an hour for a true Pelmeni feast ;
- making a very hard decision – last week Petra told me she was about to buy another ticket seeing she had decided to return home in December as well (Yves already bought his ticket a month ago). To be honest, I think that is a rather wise decision – class ends in December and we’ll thus have nothing more to do for another month, I can’t properly work on my thesis here as I don’t have internet nor the right environment, a new ticket is much cheaper than staying here another month, I could arrange things for the 4 Russian students that are said to be coming to Antwerp, I could start getting used to my natural biotope again and getting settle before the second semester officially starts, I could start working again, most importantly I would see my family and friends and finally have a bowl of granny’s delicious soup, … – and so I was considering to follow suite. On Monday I surfed on the internet for a while and found a ticket for only €98 which is close to nothing. I filled in all required data and only had to press “enter” to make it official… But I couldn’t do it. Don’t ask me why, probably just pride as I decided to come here and I don’t want to give up just like that. Anyway, something held me back from pushing that button and I’m glad it did. I have no regrets whatsoever and am pleased with my final decision: I’m staying until the 3rd of February and thus expect some visitors (Lotte, go and get those visas for the English gang – Marie, Moscow is waiting for you). I am also thinking of jumping on the train in January and travel to Siberia, Lake Baikal. Anyone interested???.

That’s all for now; a few translations, an essay and a thesis are waiting for me…

До следующей недели, друзья!


F²M said...

awel in return drink ik op uw beslissing een glaasje bubbels!! cheers hon!! en zeg da kot maar op tout court, ik heb onder de zetel al plaats vrijgemaakt!! ;-) go S'ke , go!!! [mis u feitelijk wel, dus die bubbels zijn ni echt uit 100% vreugde, maar steun u wel 110%!!]

Lotte said...

You go girl!! Ik ben zo trots op u!! Ik zal eens naar vluchten zoeken enzo en zien wat het beste werkt. Kunde gij uitvissen hoeveel den trein tot in Siberie/Beijing is en of ge voor mij ook ticketten kunt bestellen daar? (kben nog maar 2 dagen in Amerika en ik ben al aan Rusland aan't denken!) Anyhow, doet da nog goe ginter - I'll keep an eye on your blog! XXX L.

Unknown said...

he sarah,
hier tante chris uit geel ik heb uwe engelse brief gelezen maar ik heb toch liever ons nederlands taaltje je weet mijn engels is picobello enz. met ons moe is alles goe ze mist jou en ons charlotte heeeeeeeel erg alle dagen vraagt ze wanneer jullie terug komen , nog zo lang zegt ze dan.
je foto's heb ik hier ook kunnen bekijken mooi zalle.
je zit daar precies met veel volk, goed studeren maar ook fun maken heee anders hou je het niet vol , dus ambiance en geef maar katoen. hoe gaat het met de russen ,zijn ze lief ? kleed u maar goed aan want ik heb gelezen dat het daar koud is,nie teveel vodka om warm te krijgen.
hier is het allerheiligen en allerzielen dus sombere tijd, en het weer is naargelang donker ,mistig en niet zo koud.
zo saartje ik ga ermee stoppen en een tasje koffie drinken daaaaag tot de volgende keer sluuuuuukes.