Sunday, 14 October 2007

Cultural outburst

What happens when you try to bribe the Russian security? Well, they happily accept the pints and the vodka you offer them but then make their friends search all rooms afterwards… On Monday, whilst I was making my way through a major book- and audio store (I found the required Russian books and DVD – success!), the security team entered all rooms in the student’s residence. Do they have the right to do that? According to Sovjet rules – yes, according to so-called democracy – NO. Anyway, no need in arguing with Russian security services, as they’ll happily slap you in the face. Right, obviously they were in search for alcohol, which implies that that bastard drunk our beer on Saturday and grassed on us the next day! A few students had to go to the dorm’s director and she told them that she thinks they have alcohol problems and that she’ll send photographs of the empty bottles to their schools. What a threat! That much effort for a few photos… Fortunately they didn’t find anything in our room. Well, what did you expect of such a good girls???

This week a conference was held somewhere far away from Moscow. This meant that most of our professors had to sit on a train for 3 days, attend the damn thing and again sit on a train for 3 days. What a laugh! I didn’t mind at all, seeing I only had 6 hours of class this week. So I thought it was about time for a cultural outburst. In total, I visited 4 museums in only 2 days. Over the top? Of course, if I do something I do it more than good! Weird though, seeing I used to avoid all sorts of museums in all possible ways. Amazing how Russia is already changing me and my conception of life… Okay, I’ll cut the sentimental, philosophical crap. Anyhow, I went to the Tolstoy House-Museum, the History of Moscow Museum, the State’s History Museum on Red Square and I went inside of the St Basil’s Cathedral.

I also had time to further explore the city, so I spent my days wandering about in Moscow, going wherever my intuition led me. In short; Moscow is well worth a visit! I also was here last year, but I only now start to fully appreciate the beauty of the city. I guess one just has to look beyond the touristic attractions…

Ooh ooh…I couldn’t believe it myself but on Friday I finally received my metro card. After 1.5 months and 6 visits to the damn office. Long live Russian administration!
Another ooh ooh...I now officially am the beholder of a subject and promoter for my Master Thesis! I will, however, spare you the boring school stuff. Anyway, lots of thanks to Danny for inspiring me!!!

Another exciting newsflash: the Russian winter has officially started! This week temperature didn’t reach above 5 degrees and today we had our first snow. Well, a snow storm rather... Because of the fierce, freezing wind the snow feels like knifes on your face. And of all days, I decided that today I wanted to go to some charming markets. The first thing I bought: a new umbrella as mine broke in two the minute I walked out the door. After a 4 hour walk in the snow, I realised my feet were wet and thus frozen. Good thing Moscow was kind enough to provide us with some central heating. Another weird thing about Russia: in the beginning of this week we asked the director whether she would maybe consider to start heating the rooms as we were all practically freezing. She told us that it was not up to her, that Moscow had to decide on that matter. Hmmmm??? Apparently only the City of Moscow can activate all central heating. So in every house, office, hostel, shop,…heating is regulated by the city. I mean, really, get over the PostSovjet Depression!

That’s it for today. I’ll probably update you in a few days on a more important matter, after I’ve sorted it out myself…

By the way, someone is missing you!


F²M said...

amai amai sech!! S'ke on the move!! go get em cultural tiger! :-)
de inspiratie is mucho gaarne gedaan - en zwaar en moeilijk en vermoeiend da da was!! ;-)
ben blij da ge zo uw drives blijft opstapelen!!
btw, i m absolutely amazed door al da russisch bureaucratisch (en ander secret service achtig) gedoe.. ondenkbaar precies.. but hey, gij zit er midden in...
about the missing you part: right back at ya! tot zoen!!

Lotte said...

Ge kunt altijd het grijs uit de fotokes photoshoppen he?! Sounds like you're having fun girl, ik ben helemaal jaloers op al uw avonturen! Gaan we nog altijd naar het Baikalmeer in Februari??

En wa is da groot nieuws??!?!?! I'm expecting an email!!