Thursday, 9 August 2007

Partying, Partying, Partying

My English fitness career is over :-(. Yesterday I went for my last gym visit and I must say, I was very sad when I left (although I was offered a ride home on a motor bike, which I kindly refused, but it did cheer me up a little as I felt kind of special...). I am really going to miss all the sweating, the macho men and the naked Barbie dolls. No, I really enjoyed working out, having some time for myself, relaxing in the jacuzzi and sauna... And not to forget, my interesting sauna conversations.
Snif snif. Time to say farewell and get over it, I suppose.

Lady's night is coming up! This evening all the girls from work are gathering for a night full of food, "drinks", cheesy films and gossip. Nice nice. We have already informed our boss on the fact that we'll be late on Friday and we probably won't be able to sit up straight and thus work. He didn't really say anything to that, he just smiled, so I guess it's allright...

On Friday: more partying!!! This time at D's. He is organising a major pool party at his parent's villa. I thought I might just come to work in my bikinis (as chances are great I won't be able to dress myself properly on Friday) so that I can jump in the pool right after work. Love the idea!

And then on Saturday I return to Yellow town. I can't believe how fast time passed by. I've already been in England for 5 weeks now. Man... I am going to miss it, I mean really really miss it. I loved the company, the experience of work, everything we did. Thanks everyone, for everything! I'll miss you all!

Enough of the sentimental crap... My mum said I am welcome on Saturday, what I thought was really nice of her considering I can sometimes be a hell of a daughter (Mum, you don't have to confirm this; I know you love me just the way I am ;-) ). And it all of the sudden struck me; I'll only be home for 2 weeks and then I'll be gone for 5 months and 8 days. Oh my God???!!! What am I doing???!!!

Anyway, I hereby invite everyone to come and celibrate New Year in Moscow. Only 1 condition: I want Belgian, Flemmish and British flags (and AD in a kilt!).

I'm off, my parties are calling.

Party night, we'll come together when the feeling's right... (Oh and it is!)

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